

As a bestselling author, speaker, singer and television presenter, Michelle has authored over 40 books (selling over two million copies worldwide), including best-selling titles The Diva Principle, Sassy, Single and Satisfied, 101 Ways to Get and Keep His Attention, and Secrets of an Irresistible Woman. A gifted vocalist, Michelle has recorded four CD’s, It’s Amazing, Let’s Go In, Come Let Us Worship, and With Love. She co-hosted the Emmy Award-winning television talk show Aspiring Women on TLN for ten years as well as TCT’s 3D Woman.

She has appeared on countless television shows including Bill Maher’s Politically Incorrect, E Channel’s “Soap Talk,” NBC’s The Other Half, The 700 Club, and BET’s Oh Drama! as well as a regular relationship segment on WGN Morning News. Recently she appeared on Roma Downey and Mark Burnett’s “Women of the Bible” on Lifetime and “Beyond AD”. She has graced the cover of magazines such as Today’s Christian Woman, Precious Times, The Plain Truth and Gospel Today. She has been a contributing writer for Spirit Led Woman, Discipleship Journal and has been featured in articles in Shine, Essence, Ebony, Jet, Black Enterprise Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, The Associated Press and The New York Times.

Following several successful years in an award-winning advertising career as an art director/writer/producer (her clients included CocaCola USA, McDonald’s, Procter and Gamble, GMC and Ford Motor Company), Michelle suffered a devastating leg injury after being hit by a car. For her the accident was a spiritual turning point, a wake up call to embrace her purpose and fulfill her destiny. These bedridden months gave birth to her first bestseller, “What to Do Until Love Finds You.”

Since then Michelle has emerged as a highly-respected author, speaker and singer, reaching a diverse audience nationally and internationally.

Crossing denominational lines, addressing secular audiences, as well as addressing men and women from every walk of life, Michelle is known for “keeping it real.” She addresses real-life issues with candor and wit, and the hard questions with sensitivity and empathy. This merits her reputation as a Relationship and Life Empowerment coach, crossing the great divide and sharing keys that lead to reconciliation between the sexes. She prefers to call herself a “Lifestyle Architect”, as she considers her gift giving people the tools they need to build the life they want.

Michelle’s underlying message is “get yourself in spiritual order and your natural life will come together.” Her passion is to give relevant and workable solutions to people’s questions based in timeless spiritual truths. Sharing solid, effective principles that will help her audience to navigate through the journey of life and reach the ultimate destination of living and loving to their fullest potential.

Michelle resides in Ghana, West Africa where she is the visionary for a new ministry called Relevance. She also travels extensively, speaking to men and women from all walks of life extending the message of the Good News and the power of having an authentic relationship with God.

“If anyone can tell you “HOW TO MAKE LOVE WORK”, it’s Michelle McKinney Hammond….Funny, insightful, but always honest, she shares practical principles that every reader can easily grasp and utilize. A must-read if you really want love to work.”

– Ruth Graham, speaker and author of In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart, A Legneacy of Love, and A Legacy of Faith

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